Eric Brousseau

Eric Brousseau
Paris-Dauphine University

Eric Brousseau
Paris-Dauphine University

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Éric BROUSSEAU is professor of economics and management at Paris-Dauphine University, a member of PSL University. He holds the ‘Governance and Regulation’ Chair and is the scientific director or the ‘Club des Régulateurs’. He is also the director of the PSL Institute for ‘Applied Computational Social Sciences’ (ACSS), a component of the PRAIRIE Institute (Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute). He is Research Fellow with the DG EcFin of the European Commission and collaborates on a regular basis with the European University Institute in Florence, in particular with the Florence School of Regulation. He is an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France.

He is the founder and director of the Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy (IOEA), and a past-president of the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE).

His research focuses on economic governance and market regulation. He is interested in how actors’ strategies influence the organization and evolution of institutions framing economic activities; hence in-depth work on the governance and regulation in various contemporary or historical contexts, national or transnational, as well as on the interactions between self-regulation and public regulation.

He has written extensively on the digital transformation, both from an organizational and institutional perspectives, as well as on institutional frameworks favoring innovation and supporting knowledge transfers. He also developed research on the governance of the ecological transition.

In Dauphine, he is the co-director of the Master programs in "Information Systems, Networks and Digital Technology" (SIREN). He is one of the founders of the Master program "Network Industries and Digital Economy" (IREN), co-accredited by Dauphine, Polytechnique, Télécom Paris and the University of Paris Saclay. In the context of PSL, he has also been involved in the development of the Master program "AI and Society", a joint initiative between Dauphine and the Ecole Normale Supérieure, aimed at training students with a double specialization in data sciences and social sciences.